bbin信誉网站欢迎退伍军人和军人学生. We are proud to be military- and veteran-inclusive and have established our own Veterans Resource Center.
Veterans Resource Center
Black Hawk College offers veterans and active-duty military students and employees a place to relax, network, 学习和寻找资源来帮助他们过渡到大学和职业生涯.
感谢BHC基金会的资助, it also offers many art supplies to allow veterans and military students to express themselves creatively.
该中心有一个休息室,几乎所有的舒适的家-一个安静的房间, space for studying, 与他人共进午餐或喝咖啡, meetings and recreation, and an office staffed with veterans and a coordinator to answer questions and make referrals.

More To Explore
我们很高兴你对bbin信誉网站感兴趣, 我们期待着指导你完成你的学术之旅.
Not an athlete? We love our BHC fans. Together, we can create a college experience that’s full of school spirit on and off the field.
Student Life
Veterans Resource Center
Quad-Cities Campus
Building 4, Room 117
Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Other hours as needed
East Campus
Building A, Room 226